Simultaneous functional super-resolution of protein networks and super-resolution of structures
Functional super resolution of large molecular networks. (a-d) Dermoepithelial junction in human tissue. Imaging cycler microscopy based discovery of molecular networks in situ. (a) Direct realtime protein profiling in 100-dimensional ICM data set using an algorithm based on the similarity mapping approach. Each data point has a PCMD of 256100. Note: sharp images at the junctional area discriminating between Lamina Fibroreticularis (LF), Lamina Densa (LD, green profile in d), Lamina Lucida (LL) and the basal ceratinocyte layer (BC, red profile in d), as known from transmission electron microscopy (c). (b) Same area as in (a), displaying traditional triple fluorescence imaging. (e) 3-dimensinal ICM imaging of distinct 32-component multi protein complexes on the cell surface of a blood T- lymphocyte. Multi protein complexes are composed of differential combination of 32 proteins/glycotopes listed in (f). (g) Examples are marked with asterisks (number 1 to 3) and detailed as CMPs with proteins present (1) or absent (0) together characterised as individual CMPs.
Bars: 10 mm (a, b), 50 nm (c), 1 mm (e).
(after: Schubert, W. Life-Saving Microscopy Method for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients. Cytometry A 2020; 97: 866–868 20/ Schubert W. Advances in toponomics drug discovery: Imaging cycler microscopy correctly predicts a therapy method of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Cytometry A 2015;87(8):696-703. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22671/ Schubert W et al. N Biotechnol 2012/).