Bhattacharya S., Mathew G., Ruban E., Epstein D.B., Krusche A., Hillert R., Schubert W., Khan M. Toponome imaging system: in situ protein network mapping in normal and cancerous colon from the same patient reveals more than five-thousand cancer specific protein clusters and their subcellular annotation by using a three symbol colde.
Schubert W., On the origin of cell function encoded in the toponome.
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Gieseler A., Hillert R., Krusche A., Schubert W., Detection of protein clusters in neuronal cells: Analyzing the proteome topology of synapses by using the multi-epitope-ligand cartography (MELC/TIS). Neuroscience Meeting Chicago/USA, October 17-21 (2009)
Schubert W., Gieseler A., Krusche A., Hillert R. Toponome mapping in prostate cancer: detection of 2000 cell surface protein clusters in a single tissue section and cell type specific annotation by using a three symbol code.
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Franke J., Hesse T., Tournier C., Schubert W., Mawrin C., LeHuec J.C., Grasshoff H. Morphological changes of the multifidus muscle in patients with symptomatic lumbar disc herniation.
J. Neurosurg. 11(6): 710-714 (2009)
Herold J., Friedenberger M., Bode M., Rajpoot N., Schubert W., Nattkemper TW. Flexible Synapse Detection in Fluorescence Micrographs by Modeling Human Expert Grading. In: Proc. of 2008
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Schubert W., Bode M., Hillert R., Krusche A., Friedenberger M. Toponomics and neurotoponomics. A new way to medical systems biology.
Expert Rev Proteomics 5 (2): 361-9 (2008).
Schubert W., Friedenberger M., Bode M., Krusche A., Hillert R. Functional achitecture of the cell nucleus: towards comprehensive toponome reference maps of apoptosis.
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Dress A., Lokot T., Schubert W., Serocka P. Two theorems about similarity maps.
Annals of Combinatorics 12 (3): 279-290 (2008)
Bode M., Irmler M., Friedenberger M., May C., Jung K., Stephan C., Meyer H.E., Lach C., Hillert R., Krusche A., Beckers J., Marcus K., Schubert W., Interlocking transcriptomics, proteomics and toponomics technologies for brain tissue analysis in murine hippocampus.
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Friedenberger M., Bode M., Krusche A., Schubert W.
(2007) Fluorescence detection of protein clusters in individual cells and tissue sections by using toponome imaging system: sample preparation and measuring procedures.
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Schubert W., Breaking the biological code.
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Schubert W., A three symbol code for organized proteomes based on cyclical imaging of protein locations.
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Friedenberger, M., Bode, M., Krusche A., Schubert W.: Fluorescence detection of protein clusters in individual cells and tissue sections by using toponome imaging system: sample preparation and measuring procedures.
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Schubert W., Bonnekoh B., Pommer A.J., Philipsen L., Boeckelmann R., Maliykh J., Gollnick H., Friedenberger M., Bode M., Dress A.W. Analyzing proteome topology and function by automated multidimensional fluorescence microscopy.
Nat Biotechnol 24: 1270-1278 (2006)
Schubert W., Antikörperbasierte Toponomanalyse mit Multi-Epitop-Ligand-Kartierung (MELK) In: Bioanalytik . München : Spektrum Akad. Verl., ISBN 3-8274-1520-9, S. 1036-1048, 2006
Schubert W., Cytomics in characterizing toponomes - towards the biological code of the cell.
Cytometry A 69(4): 209-211 (2006)
Schubert W., Exploring molecular networks directly in the cell.
Cytometry A. 69(3): 109-112 (2006)
Dress A.W.M., Lokot T., Pustyl’nikov L.D., Schubert W., Poisson Numbers and Poisson Distributions in Subset Surprisology.
Annals of Combinatorics 8(4): 473-485 (2005)